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Mama's so Proud of You: What your stool indicates (o_o) about your HEALTH

Sukamon in Digimon
That's what came in my mind...

And I told myself not to share this..

It's unacceptable to some.

But I meant well.

I meant to share about health.

Remember when you were a baby, or a toddler.. Yo MAMMA was SO proud of you on your first successful potty-training.

Erikson's Stages of Development
Well, you see here darling.. When you do well, you'd feel a sense of autonomy, you are able to be in control of self. Else, you'd feel ashamed, and have self-doubt. This is psychology.

I was so proud of myself today.
Me Gusta
I managed to let go a healthy sum (so I thought). It's green with some mucus.. the most beautiful I've seen in my life. Ready to learn about stool? So what does mine indicates?

Based on my readings and what I've been practicing these few days, green stool indicates that food had passed through my intestines rapidly before it could change to brown. This is because I've been taking soluble and insoluble fiber to treat my irritable bowel syndrome, or sort of acute digestive problem which had contributed to malabsorption of nutrients, harmful toxins, contaminated blood, acne, skin problems, and emotional behavior disorders. (My God! to even write, read and reread what I wrote just now made me feel uneasy... what have I gone through?). In which the Doctor suspected that my condition might lead to stomach bleeding and tumor growth. Thank goodness that I knew this than never. Thus I have some ideas on how to treat myself. Also, remember what I posted in my previous post, I mixed my fiber drink with chlorophyll too. The fiber powder also have spirulina, alfafa, and aloevera. My, my... the botanical juice has aloevera.. and I added some more aloevera in the mix. Just the right combination, for my case. Just....right.

So what could other color indicates? What are they? Which color is ideal?
Here's a diagram I found:

Easy and understandable diagram

Test yourself


As I was doing my research on this, I noticed that there are a lot of articles on diagnosing baby poops. Yep.

To park!

### To be reviewed ###

Motivation Input

James Altucher Series
Choose & Market Yourself & keep on surviving

I first knew him through his writing. His ideas added value to my life.