This blog is meant for holistic growth surrounding subjects on health, economics, wealth, mystic, to heaven, and personal of individuals in reaching the highest level in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. When you are wondering about life and not feeling good, scroll bottom and listen to the inspiring Youtube videos. The people in the videos had added values to many lives, including mine.

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Model of Existence

I don't want to be a role model,

I just want to be a proof of existence, despite the noisy voices and wishes of others and myself.

So that others may know, when they seek me, an entity, an existence.

What I've been through is proof of such life.

As I unveil to you what is unveiled to me, know that when you feel and you can relate, I prayed for you, as I was prayed unto.

Such beautiful connection. Such beautiful life.

Await for me in heaven, as I await for you to heaven. Wait short, or don't wait, reach me.

Greet me, hug me, love me, release happy tears with me, and be with me. I had missed you.

Motivation Input

James Altucher Series
Choose & Market Yourself & keep on surviving

I first knew him through his writing. His ideas added value to my life.