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Ar-Rahnu, T.B., or, both (*.*)?? Gaining money from GOLD

In my mind, I'm doing my thesis writing (all the time, when I'm awake) \(^.^)/, and it is almost finished. In reality, it is not yet written (*.*)!!! m(-_-)m I have about 12 hours to do my draft on all chapters.

I'm doing my dry-cleaning. Thus, I tell myself that I have about 2 hours, on and off to share here.

What I'm excited to share is; today, after I woke up, God had sent a whatsapp group to invite me for a pawn-broking discussion.

Er.. I'll translate when I have time.

So, as my nature is to do research, think thoroughly, do calculations and come up with logic reasoning, I have summed up on whether to do Ar-Rahnu (pawn broking), T.B. (Tok Belagak), or both.

Ok, now, I need you to imagine.

I have 100g, 916 gold (22k).

I'm not going to explain much on Ar-Rahnu multiply in this post. Perhaps another time.

This is the timetable:

I want to save my 100g 22k, but I want to manipulate and gain money. So I do pawn-broking with KPMNJ Ar-Rahnu service. When I first came here, the pawn shop only allow me to do 65% maximum lending, with 0.7% safe deposit charge per month. (By the way, I registered as a KPMNJ member long time ago)
So, I pair with T.B., I'm eligible to buy 51g 24k
If I choose to redeem my pawn on:
  • 2nd month, I get +MYR493.56 and my 100g 916
  • 3rd month, I get +MYR999.51 and my 100g 916
  • 4th month, I get +MYR1505.52 and my 100g 916

Now that I have +MYR1505.52. I want to sell my 100g 916... hmm... what is the price will be like for next 5 months? Can you read the technical analysis for gold price? Oh.. Please tell me~~~

Ok, since I'm not that good in technical analysis. Not yet. Assuming the price is the same. My 100g 22k may get up to MYR12200 from honest buyer. Plus that money I gained from Ar-Rahnu, +MYR1505.52.

What will it be like, with T.B. alone?
Refresh back, I have 100g 22k. So I sell all to T.B.. Referring back to the board, I will get MYR12200, 0g.
So, I buy T.B. 999.9 for 68g x MYR180. I pay T.B. MYR12240

I want to gain money:
  • 2nd month, I sell all back to T.B.. T.B. give me MYR13192. I gained +MYR952
  • I want to buy back T.B. 68g x MYR180
  • 3rd month, I sell all back to T.B.. T.B. give me MYR13056. I gained +MYR816
  • I want to buy back T.B. 68g x MYR180
  • 4th month, I sell all back to T.B.. T.B. give me MYR13056. I gained +MYR816
  • I want to buy back T.B. 68g x MYR180
  • and so on, and so fourth

I gained +MYR2584 and 68g 999.9. Lets say, I want to exit, and sell all my gold. I get MYR13506, plus that money I gained with less effort, +MYR2584.

Ok, are we friends now?

### To be Reviewed ###

Motivation Input

James Altucher Series
Choose & Market Yourself & keep on surviving

I first knew him through his writing. His ideas added value to my life.