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Hot & Spicy: Red Condiment & Black Soy Sauce (@,@)% and ACIDIC Body

My mother asked me for a small favor, to help with our lunch preparation. She also asked me to make Kelantanese Sambal (Condiment). Me being off the kitchen for long, had forgotten how to make it according to the family's taste standard, thus she helped me in preparing the ingredients.

It was easy. We used:
Cut what needs cutting,
put the cherry tomatoes first, then the chilies.
Grind all, for a while.
Add in salt and sugar.
Grind again.
Let there be pieces (means, don't grind until too "mushy").
Pour in a bowl.
Squeeze the lemon juice.
Mix well.

Well... hm... mine is considered "mushy" here. Try not to grind that long.
We usually use the normal tomato, about 1/2. But we had cherry tomatoes in stock.. thus.. tadaaa!!!

And so the remaining lemon, its skin. I suddenly had the idea, memory flashbacks, that says lemon is good for our skin. My acne are getting less and smaller since I incidentally mixed aloe vera into my fiber drink, along with chlorophyll and botanical beverage, yesterday noon. Writing about that mixed drink, that morning, I had stomach discomfort. I did defecate, but still have that discomfort. Since there weren't food I feel that I can take, I took the mixed drink instead, and immediately I defecate again, more of liquid and gas. Then, my body felt quite nice and refreshing. It's been long (long, like 2 months ago, since the first cupping with the Doctor) that I haven't had a refreshing feeling. And my face skin looks, more clear, felt more moist. And the back of my ears (dry, scaly, painful) felt more moist. I was amazed by this discovery... Aloe vera. It's like my kind of new spirit, new symbol.

Back to today, and so, I squeezed the juice and wiped my skin with the lemon skin. I started with my face, perhaps the juice gets near to my left ear, and I felt pain and unease.. so I followed my intuition by wiping the juice to my ears... MY GOD!! It was sharp pain. I groaned in pain.. MY GOD!!

While I was still groaning, mother asked me to make the hot and spicy soy sauce (kicap).

Well, you could have guessed what's in it.. very easy indeed.
1 red onion, small size, dice
8 small spicy green chilies, dice
soy sauce (sweet), just the same height as the ingredient, because onion will produce its water later
And as I was preparing this, I was thinking to myself... You know.. there are people I know who would eat the small spicy green chili by itself, with rice and side dish, or bread, or roti canai (looks like paratha). I guess, eating chilies like that boost one's ego. The more chili one can eat, the more power the person is (and also because of the taste and feeling one gets used to). We were like that. I was like that. After the aloe vera incident, it made me realized how highly acidic my body was, how inflamed my organs, my stomach, my skin... Years I had tried and tried to lower the intake of chilies and to heal myself, my indescribable conditions. My condition was and is driving me nuts. Thus, that is why I put efforts to eat well. I intend to live well. I intend to survive and tell. This is why I share with you.

I wish for all of us to be well.

### To be continued ###

Motivation Input

James Altucher Series
Choose & Market Yourself & keep on surviving

I first knew him through his writing. His ideas added value to my life.