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Interesting List of Contents in DON'T BE SAD

I am still organizing and cleaning. I came across this book and peeked what's inside. Immediately I became very interested in its list of contents. Herewith are some I've chosen:
  • Contemplate and be thankful
  • The past is gone forever
  • Today is all you have
  • Leave the future alone until it comes
  • Do not expect gratitude from anyone
  • Doing good to others gives comfort to the heart
  • Repel boredom with work
  • Do not be a mimicker (means, not to be artificial, imitate others and erase off entity)
  • Verily, with hardship, there is relief
  • Convert lemon into a sweet drink
  • Faith is life itself
  • Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest
  • Accept life as it is
  • Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs
  • Do not carry the weight of the globe  on your shoulders
  • Do not be crushed by what is insignificant
  • Be content with which Allah has given you and you will be the richest of people
  • Being sad is not encouraged in our religion
  • Smile
  • Take a moment to reflect
  • The blessing of pain
  • The blessing of knowledge
  • The art of happiness
  • Controlling one's emotions
  • Repel boredom from your life
  • Cast off anxiety
  • Do not be sad - Everything will occur according to pre-ordainment
  • Do not be sad - Wait patiently for a happy outcome
  • Do not be sad - Seek forgiveness from Allah often, for your Lord is Oft-Forgiving
  • Do not be sad - Always remember Allah
  • Do not be sad - Never lose hope of Allah's mercy
  • Grieve not over unworthy things
  • Do not be sad - Repel anxiety
  • Do not be sad over fears for what may happen
  • Do not be sad - Do good to others
  • Do not be sad from want of ample provision
  • Isolation and its positive effects
  • Do not be shaken by hardships
  • Do not grieve - There is another life to come
  • Depression weakens the body and the soul
  • Most rumors are baseless
  • This life does not deserve our grief
  • This is how the world is
  • Strive to help others
  • You are created unique
  • In the last moments of life ...
  • You will not die before your appointed time
  • Don't be sad - Learn to deal with your reality
  • Do not pay attention to the tell-tale
  • The curses of the foolish are of no consequences to you
  • Appreciate the beauty of the universe
  • The good life
  • I place my complete trust in Him
  • Performing noble deeds is the way to happiness
  • Your reward is Paradise
  • True love
  • A Lord Who wrongs not
  • Write your own history
  • Listen attentively to the words of Allah
  • Do not pleasure to your enemy by displaying grief
  • The benefits one reaps by being contented
  • Take advantage of health and free time
  • Hiding from evil is a temporary solution
  • It is not enough to be merely intelligent: One needs true guidance as well
  • A smile every morning
  • Contentment even after being ruined
  • Be resolute in making a decision
  • Peace of mind is in having basic necessities of life
  • Be prepared for the worst-case scenario
  • You are doing well if you are healthy and have enough food
  • Extinguish the fire of enmity before it spreads
  • Don't belittle another person's efforts
  • If you really cannot do something, leave it
by 'Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni

Motivation Input

James Altucher Series
Choose & Market Yourself & keep on surviving

I first knew him through his writing. His ideas added value to my life.