This blog is meant for holistic growth surrounding subjects on health, economics, wealth, mystic, to heaven, and personal of individuals in reaching the highest level in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. When you are wondering about life and not feeling good, scroll bottom and listen to the inspiring Youtube videos. The people in the videos had added values to many lives, including mine.

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The Unsunken Memories

Funny how it started. The flashbacks.

I was preparing ingredients to cook. Remembered the time my late-grandmother (prayers for her) taught me how to peel off garlic and onion, help her, cook. She was like, "you never knew how to peel off these?", and I was like, "like how, for what? Never occured in my mind anyway".

Then I remembered my sister kind of feel; resentment toward my grandmother, as grandmother was saying she's not helping and stuffs, and compare her to our cousins. My sister would be like, "mom..... I always help around... grandmother always say I don't, she compares me to ........... "

Back to the days when my mother nagged.. why are you like this, your cousins are great in housekeeping, helping, etc. Good girls. -- I was invited for a sleepover at their home, their mother trained them, like how ring-master trains lion. -- My mother assume "monkey do what monkey see". But monkey had no focus, and monkey didn't know what for, monkey was busy experimenting over things monkey was curious. I guess, monkey didn't see mother, monkey sees other monkeyssss.... monkey got lots of siblings, maybe, monkey sees the elder monkeys and do as the elder monkeys. -- well well... pity my mother... raising monkeys... and one by one, off the monkeys to boarding schools (almost all. Majority.).

My mother, she had a soft heart, she didn't train, she nurture with love and care in her possible ways - kgs of laundry, no dryer machine, semi-auto, catered cooked food, organizings, cleanings, accompany children, attending to needs, husband, diapers.

Married in young age, gave birth a year later, and follow suit. Never really recovered emotionally, physically... a burnt-out mother, wife. Loyal. Too kind. Spiritually and holistically, she's kind of a different case of human.

And... to blackmagic... it arrived and be-fallen on us, most visible on her.

NLP practitioners often say, like attracts like. Perhaps the unholy found its spot. Not one... heard many... she was like gate-opened.

All praise to Lord, today she has control of her own body, her own spirit. Shall there be anything else left, Al-Mighty can dispose them.

Thus, mother, I don't blame you for not training me. I turned-out, ok. I am putting efforts to be better.

Motivation Input

James Altucher Series
Choose & Market Yourself & keep on surviving

I first knew him through his writing. His ideas added value to my life.