This blog is meant for holistic growth surrounding subjects on health, economics, wealth, mystic, to heaven, and personal of individuals in reaching the highest level in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. When you are wondering about life and not feeling good, scroll bottom and listen to the inspiring Youtube videos. The people in the videos had added values to many lives, including mine.

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Mama's so Proud of You: What your stool indicates (o_o) about your HEALTH

Sukamon in Digimon
That's what came in my mind...

And I told myself not to share this..

It's unacceptable to some.

But I meant well.

I meant to share about health.

Remember when you were a baby, or a toddler.. Yo MAMMA was SO proud of you on your first successful potty-training.

Erikson's Stages of Development
Well, you see here darling.. When you do well, you'd feel a sense of autonomy, you are able to be in control of self. Else, you'd feel ashamed, and have self-doubt. This is psychology.

I was so proud of myself today.
Me Gusta
I managed to let go a healthy sum (so I thought). It's green with some mucus.. the most beautiful I've seen in my life. Ready to learn about stool? So what does mine indicates?

Based on my readings and what I've been practicing these few days, green stool indicates that food had passed through my intestines rapidly before it could change to brown. This is because I've been taking soluble and insoluble fiber to treat my irritable bowel syndrome, or sort of acute digestive problem which had contributed to malabsorption of nutrients, harmful toxins, contaminated blood, acne, skin problems, and emotional behavior disorders. (My God! to even write, read and reread what I wrote just now made me feel uneasy... what have I gone through?). In which the Doctor suspected that my condition might lead to stomach bleeding and tumor growth. Thank goodness that I knew this than never. Thus I have some ideas on how to treat myself. Also, remember what I posted in my previous post, I mixed my fiber drink with chlorophyll too. The fiber powder also have spirulina, alfafa, and aloevera. My, my... the botanical juice has aloevera.. and I added some more aloevera in the mix. Just the right combination, for my case. Just....right.

So what could other color indicates? What are they? Which color is ideal?
Here's a diagram I found:

Easy and understandable diagram

Test yourself


As I was doing my research on this, I noticed that there are a lot of articles on diagnosing baby poops. Yep.

To park!

### To be reviewed ###

Hot & Spicy: Red Condiment & Black Soy Sauce (@,@)% and ACIDIC Body

My mother asked me for a small favor, to help with our lunch preparation. She also asked me to make Kelantanese Sambal (Condiment). Me being off the kitchen for long, had forgotten how to make it according to the family's taste standard, thus she helped me in preparing the ingredients.

It was easy. We used:
Cut what needs cutting,
put the cherry tomatoes first, then the chilies.
Grind all, for a while.
Add in salt and sugar.
Grind again.
Let there be pieces (means, don't grind until too "mushy").
Pour in a bowl.
Squeeze the lemon juice.
Mix well.

Well... hm... mine is considered "mushy" here. Try not to grind that long.
We usually use the normal tomato, about 1/2. But we had cherry tomatoes in stock.. thus.. tadaaa!!!

And so the remaining lemon, its skin. I suddenly had the idea, memory flashbacks, that says lemon is good for our skin. My acne are getting less and smaller since I incidentally mixed aloe vera into my fiber drink, along with chlorophyll and botanical beverage, yesterday noon. Writing about that mixed drink, that morning, I had stomach discomfort. I did defecate, but still have that discomfort. Since there weren't food I feel that I can take, I took the mixed drink instead, and immediately I defecate again, more of liquid and gas. Then, my body felt quite nice and refreshing. It's been long (long, like 2 months ago, since the first cupping with the Doctor) that I haven't had a refreshing feeling. And my face skin looks, more clear, felt more moist. And the back of my ears (dry, scaly, painful) felt more moist. I was amazed by this discovery... Aloe vera. It's like my kind of new spirit, new symbol.

Back to today, and so, I squeezed the juice and wiped my skin with the lemon skin. I started with my face, perhaps the juice gets near to my left ear, and I felt pain and unease.. so I followed my intuition by wiping the juice to my ears... MY GOD!! It was sharp pain. I groaned in pain.. MY GOD!!

While I was still groaning, mother asked me to make the hot and spicy soy sauce (kicap).

Well, you could have guessed what's in it.. very easy indeed.
1 red onion, small size, dice
8 small spicy green chilies, dice
soy sauce (sweet), just the same height as the ingredient, because onion will produce its water later
And as I was preparing this, I was thinking to myself... You know.. there are people I know who would eat the small spicy green chili by itself, with rice and side dish, or bread, or roti canai (looks like paratha). I guess, eating chilies like that boost one's ego. The more chili one can eat, the more power the person is (and also because of the taste and feeling one gets used to). We were like that. I was like that. After the aloe vera incident, it made me realized how highly acidic my body was, how inflamed my organs, my stomach, my skin... Years I had tried and tried to lower the intake of chilies and to heal myself, my indescribable conditions. My condition was and is driving me nuts. Thus, that is why I put efforts to eat well. I intend to live well. I intend to survive and tell. This is why I share with you.

I wish for all of us to be well.

### To be continued ###


Consumption Awareness - Minimize Health-Risks From What You Eat

I couldn't rest until I find and share this:
  1. Stay away from soft drinks
  2. Ban antibiotics in animal feeds
  3. Watch sugar intake
  4. Watch caffeinated energy drinks intake
  5. Watch red meat intake
  6. Watch trans-fat intake: chocolate & wafers, shortening & margarine, ice-cream, biscuits & cookies, cakes, breakfast cereals, burgers, breads & buns, french fries, pastries, pies & puffs, fried chicken, pizza
  7. Watch instant noodles intake, and high sodium intake
  8. Ban polystyrene use
  9. Stay away from fast-food restaurants
My Favorite Diet

Also, as a result of my mother's brain-washing since I was a teenager, I'm kind of a supplements-freak. She'd buy me stocks of "good" supplements, and cried-out when she found out that I didn't consume them.

She used to give me evening primrose, until a time when I did a check-up with a gynecologist about my intolerance to very high menstrual pain. The gynecologist advised me to stop evening primrose consumption, right-away.

I had been wondering...
Comparing myself to others, my peers, I took supplements for years, and yet, I seemed to have indescribable sickness. Others couldn't see that I'm experiencing discomfort, but I was suffering on my own. For my abnormalities, I checked with allopathy, but practitioners couldn't really detect my problems. Until I met with a Doctor, whom is practicing cupping therapy. Which I intend to write in a full post.

Perhaps, what happened was, the supplements became toxins in my body-systems.

Here's a write-up from on foods, supplements, and natural & synthetic vitamin:

And an answer to "Why is a whole food diet better for my health than nutrient supplements?"

To park!!

### To be Reviewed ###


Ar-Rahnu, T.B., or, both (*.*)?? Gaining money from GOLD

In my mind, I'm doing my thesis writing (all the time, when I'm awake) \(^.^)/, and it is almost finished. In reality, it is not yet written (*.*)!!! m(-_-)m I have about 12 hours to do my draft on all chapters.

I'm doing my dry-cleaning. Thus, I tell myself that I have about 2 hours, on and off to share here.

What I'm excited to share is; today, after I woke up, God had sent a whatsapp group to invite me for a pawn-broking discussion.

Er.. I'll translate when I have time.

So, as my nature is to do research, think thoroughly, do calculations and come up with logic reasoning, I have summed up on whether to do Ar-Rahnu (pawn broking), T.B. (Tok Belagak), or both.

Ok, now, I need you to imagine.

I have 100g, 916 gold (22k).

I'm not going to explain much on Ar-Rahnu multiply in this post. Perhaps another time.

This is the timetable:

I want to save my 100g 22k, but I want to manipulate and gain money. So I do pawn-broking with KPMNJ Ar-Rahnu service. When I first came here, the pawn shop only allow me to do 65% maximum lending, with 0.7% safe deposit charge per month. (By the way, I registered as a KPMNJ member long time ago)
So, I pair with T.B., I'm eligible to buy 51g 24k
If I choose to redeem my pawn on:
  • 2nd month, I get +MYR493.56 and my 100g 916
  • 3rd month, I get +MYR999.51 and my 100g 916
  • 4th month, I get +MYR1505.52 and my 100g 916

Now that I have +MYR1505.52. I want to sell my 100g 916... hmm... what is the price will be like for next 5 months? Can you read the technical analysis for gold price? Oh.. Please tell me~~~

Ok, since I'm not that good in technical analysis. Not yet. Assuming the price is the same. My 100g 22k may get up to MYR12200 from honest buyer. Plus that money I gained from Ar-Rahnu, +MYR1505.52.

What will it be like, with T.B. alone?
Refresh back, I have 100g 22k. So I sell all to T.B.. Referring back to the board, I will get MYR12200, 0g.
So, I buy T.B. 999.9 for 68g x MYR180. I pay T.B. MYR12240

I want to gain money:
  • 2nd month, I sell all back to T.B.. T.B. give me MYR13192. I gained +MYR952
  • I want to buy back T.B. 68g x MYR180
  • 3rd month, I sell all back to T.B.. T.B. give me MYR13056. I gained +MYR816
  • I want to buy back T.B. 68g x MYR180
  • 4th month, I sell all back to T.B.. T.B. give me MYR13056. I gained +MYR816
  • I want to buy back T.B. 68g x MYR180
  • and so on, and so fourth

I gained +MYR2584 and 68g 999.9. Lets say, I want to exit, and sell all my gold. I get MYR13506, plus that money I gained with less effort, +MYR2584.

Ok, are we friends now?

### To be Reviewed ###


Abnormalities That Might be Normal

Abnormal is said to be as something out of norm. - Logic.

But these have came to be normal, yes?

  1. Demons that intrude hollistic aspects of human beings
  2. House poltergeist
  3. Banshee visits
  4. Unexplainable health conditions
  5. Scary sleep paralysis
  6. Emotional behavior disorders
  7. Deviant beliefs and cognitions

Before modernization, these were real. During modernization, these things were denied, scientificized, and structured to be able to fund organizations. Post-modernization, more people are aware of the importance of health and spirituality, educated on health and spirituality, and becoming self-scientists. Cures are marketed everywhere from many schools of taughts and becoming lucrative.

To me, these are becoming common norms. How about you?

Is this the trend?
Lets quote sources..

### To be Reviewed ###

Project: Duplicate Wealth Success and Achieving Holistic Wellness

Success duplicates success

Study the keys, methods, and recipes.

To study:


Starter kit
Books and CDs
Group Coaching
Daily products for self, minimum MYR 800/month
  • Vitamins, C & E
  • Daily Supplements
  • Protein
Home Appliances
  • Kitchen Electronics
  • Detergents

Starter kit
Mini Seminar
Major Seminar
Online Coaching
Monthly products for self, minimum MYR 200/month
  • Bar Soap
  • Shampoo
  • Toothpaste
  • Phytohormone
Health Bonus
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Body Shaper

Choices. It's a shop.

Pairing for self, and for others.

Health for self, ladies, and husbands.

New in Malaysia market:

Health juices
From fruits, vegetables, and herbs.

The concept here is to live a Healthy lifestyle and achieve financial freedom.

These business owners have created the possibles. Duplicating a system of success. Enabling us to be members, buy at member's price, have performance bonuses, experience a better lifestyle (as health is improved), introduce the goods to others, and share our piece of lives to the people of the world.

I would like to share with you of what is mine... would you stay, and read on.

Are we friends?

### To be reviewed ###


Background Check On DesaUrbon! \(*.*\)

Who am I?

I just happened to have lost all of that writing.. Due to DNS failure. I am not a strong-skilled writer. Supposed writing the same thing twice would make my writing better? I am not sure. I doubt that. I wrote my heart out in the first, lets see how the second-time write-up gives.

## Starts here ##

Who am I?

My cousin found out that we're of a Daeng's lineage, Daeng Parani, which means that I am part a Buginese. That Buginese married a Javanese. Their offspring married a Kelantanese Malay (let me refer as KM).

If I remember this right, KM is an offspring of Arab-Siamese and Kelantanese Malay, but I can't confirm it since KM does not really know and both KM's parents are Allahyarham and Allahyarhamah.

I was close to Allahyarhamah. At least, I felt close to her. I feel like I have an unfinished business with her that I imagined is finished, or I wish is finished. During her last few weeks, she requested me to accompany her to sleep. I would sleep on the floor since my aunt was sleeping with her on the bed. I would sneak to SMS my former boyfriend since calling-late-night-to-sleep would be a rude disturbance and impolite tooooo (*.*)***. During Fajr, she would pray beside me, on whatever space there was, because I was still sleeping on the floor (I'm a heavy sleeper). Then, she would read the Quran. Came the time for me to go back to University, as I was leaving, I shook her hands and kissed her hand and cheeks, she asked me when can we meet again, she was afraid that we would not be able to meet again. I shushed her and said to her that it was nonsense, of course we'll meet again.
But we didn't... That day, it didn't register in my mind that it was almost time for her to go, forever...

My feelings relate to this

Attached herewith is the lyrics
Said goodbye, turned around
And you were gone, gone, gone
Faded into the setting sun,
Slipped away
But I won’t cry
Cause I know I’ll never be lonely
For you are the stars to me,
You are the light I follow 
I’ll See you again, oh
This is not where it ends
I will carry you with me, oh
Till I see you again 
I can hear those echoes in the wind at night
Calling me back in time
Back to you
In a place far away
Where the water meets the sky
The thought of it makes me smile
You are my tomorrow 
I’ll See you again, oh
This is not where it ends
I will carry you with me, oh
Till I see you again 
Sometimes I feel my heart is breaking
But I stay strong and I hold on cause I know
I’ll see you again, oh
This is not where it ends
I will carry you with me, yeah yeah 
I’ll See you again, oh
This is not where it ends
I will carry you with me, oh
Till I see you again
Till I see you again,
Till I see you again,
Said goodbye turned around
And you were gone, gone, gone.

When she keeps coming in my conscious, that means she's in my subconscious and unconscious, which also means that she has a powerful impact on me. (In Freud's term, I had wronged the meaning of conscious, but, am right in its meaning)

*Our gift for you, to all Allahyarham, Allahyarhamah, and the living

## To be continued ##

Turned out that the second write-up is better than the first, also because of new ideas and improvements.

Tell me, what you know about your lineage.


Motivation Input

James Altucher Series
Choose & Market Yourself & keep on surviving

I first knew him through his writing. His ideas added value to my life.