This blog is meant for holistic growth surrounding subjects on health, economics, wealth, mystic, to heaven, and personal of individuals in reaching the highest level in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. When you are wondering about life and not feeling good, scroll bottom and listen to the inspiring Youtube videos. The people in the videos had added values to many lives, including mine.

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Interesting List of Contents in DON'T BE SAD

I am still organizing and cleaning. I came across this book and peeked what's inside. Immediately I became very interested in its list of contents. Herewith are some I've chosen:
  • Contemplate and be thankful
  • The past is gone forever
  • Today is all you have
  • Leave the future alone until it comes
  • Do not expect gratitude from anyone
  • Doing good to others gives comfort to the heart
  • Repel boredom with work
  • Do not be a mimicker (means, not to be artificial, imitate others and erase off entity)
  • Verily, with hardship, there is relief
  • Convert lemon into a sweet drink
  • Faith is life itself
  • Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest
  • Accept life as it is
  • Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs
  • Do not carry the weight of the globe  on your shoulders
  • Do not be crushed by what is insignificant
  • Be content with which Allah has given you and you will be the richest of people
  • Being sad is not encouraged in our religion
  • Smile
  • Take a moment to reflect
  • The blessing of pain
  • The blessing of knowledge
  • The art of happiness
  • Controlling one's emotions
  • Repel boredom from your life
  • Cast off anxiety
  • Do not be sad - Everything will occur according to pre-ordainment
  • Do not be sad - Wait patiently for a happy outcome
  • Do not be sad - Seek forgiveness from Allah often, for your Lord is Oft-Forgiving
  • Do not be sad - Always remember Allah
  • Do not be sad - Never lose hope of Allah's mercy
  • Grieve not over unworthy things
  • Do not be sad - Repel anxiety
  • Do not be sad over fears for what may happen
  • Do not be sad - Do good to others
  • Do not be sad from want of ample provision
  • Isolation and its positive effects
  • Do not be shaken by hardships
  • Do not grieve - There is another life to come
  • Depression weakens the body and the soul
  • Most rumors are baseless
  • This life does not deserve our grief
  • This is how the world is
  • Strive to help others
  • You are created unique
  • In the last moments of life ...
  • You will not die before your appointed time
  • Don't be sad - Learn to deal with your reality
  • Do not pay attention to the tell-tale
  • The curses of the foolish are of no consequences to you
  • Appreciate the beauty of the universe
  • The good life
  • I place my complete trust in Him
  • Performing noble deeds is the way to happiness
  • Your reward is Paradise
  • True love
  • A Lord Who wrongs not
  • Write your own history
  • Listen attentively to the words of Allah
  • Do not pleasure to your enemy by displaying grief
  • The benefits one reaps by being contented
  • Take advantage of health and free time
  • Hiding from evil is a temporary solution
  • It is not enough to be merely intelligent: One needs true guidance as well
  • A smile every morning
  • Contentment even after being ruined
  • Be resolute in making a decision
  • Peace of mind is in having basic necessities of life
  • Be prepared for the worst-case scenario
  • You are doing well if you are healthy and have enough food
  • Extinguish the fire of enmity before it spreads
  • Don't belittle another person's efforts
  • If you really cannot do something, leave it
by 'Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni

Model of Existence

I don't want to be a role model,

I just want to be a proof of existence, despite the noisy voices and wishes of others and myself.

So that others may know, when they seek me, an entity, an existence.

What I've been through is proof of such life.

As I unveil to you what is unveiled to me, know that when you feel and you can relate, I prayed for you, as I was prayed unto.

Such beautiful connection. Such beautiful life.

Await for me in heaven, as I await for you to heaven. Wait short, or don't wait, reach me.

Greet me, hug me, love me, release happy tears with me, and be with me. I had missed you.


Population and Economic Growth

I'm listening to HAPPY (9PM) after a little cleaning up (^_^). So so HAPPY~~

The last post on my Harry Dent Jr. speech note-taking, made me curious. I visited his website and played the opening video, which in few minutes, I had to subscribe to be able to view the latter... I paused when I could not grasp during his slide on a picture of a baby.. thus, I googled the relationship between economics and baby. Which interestingly lead me to an article in wiseGEEK: What is the Relationship Between Population and Economic Growth.

So, in the article I would like to point out:
  • the obvious is, without consumers, may lead to no economic growth
  • couples expecting baby coming in their lives may save money until baby is born - removes money from market - save money in bank - not much is spent
  • any income made, will go to families or saving account - thus, the individual is interested in earning money
  • child grows - parents likely spend on goods and services for child's development
  • later in life, the child will become tax-payer, consumer, investment

Another article, Let's Talk About Sex: Why More Babies Means More Economic Growth by Jerry Bowyer, which a simpleton like me couldn't grasp much, what I can relate is toward the end of the article, "By the time all of those nations of dual-earners-one-kid realize that they're about to become nations of dual-pensioners-one-earner, it's already too late."

And some interesting comments:

Try not to cry...

Oh.. the happy song ended 30mins ago..
And I was so touched by these information.


A Letter for Altucher?

I was dreaming in my sleep.
My good friend is married to the Yang Di Pertuan Agong, head of state of Malaysia (King). They never really had met, but the King had chosen to marry her, and he didn't acknowledge that she is still married to her husband, and loves him dearly. She intended to tell him in their very first met up in Australia, where she brought along few of her close friends for support. She has rivals whom are jealous of her. The rivals were being indecent, thus was sent back to Malaysia. I had to make sure the rivals are all on the plane.
Then suddenly I was with my big family, we're on a cruise, and captured by a pirate ship. When we managed to escape, all of us were in water, but the water was not deep. Suddenly I was holding a wet letter, meant for Altucher, a yellow colored envelope. Confused, who's Altucher? Why am I sending this letter to this person?
And I was awake by the sound of a bird chirping, on my opened window...

And when I was about to blog, I suddenly remembered... Altucher is James Altucher (^-^)

By the way...

Weird dream...

Trend in Economy and Where to Get Our Money

I'm listening and taking notes, the CD is programmed so that I can't rewind or forward, thus, here are some points I am managing to write;

Harry Dent Jr. in 2013 shared how to increase income and take advantage of the trend:

-- Can't cure debt bubble by adding another debt
-- Understand the new technology
-- Entrepreneur welcome change
-- Economic changing, businesses start to fail

How to increase income?

economy have booms and bust
-- people get married, have kids, advancing in career, buying house
-- age 46 spend the most in lifetime
-- earning and spending at age 20
-- 26 gets married, forms households - retail stores shopping centers
-- 28 gets children -- everything about kids
-- 31 buy 1st home
-- 33 spend money on child care
-- 37 - 42 kids older, they want more space, people buy biggest house, jr high school
-- 46 spend the most money
-- 50 on automobiles
-- 54 travel the most, fix up kitchen
-- 58 life insurance
-- 68 health insurance -- continue to grow for decades

people learn, experience, innovate, adopt new trends, products and services
people generate their own businesses

retirement benefits becoming off

new businesses emerge

the aging people wants to be young, well, live longer life

create your own business, create multiple stream of income
-- internet-based,
-- franchise,
-- network marketing (easiest way to start business, own business, product proven)

not in denial of change, act on it.

network marketing
-- low start up cost
-- real business
-- product proven - demonstrate the result
-- how to apply to needs, be the consultant
-- go for people who are serious
-- support those people - train those people
-- invest in yourself and help people learn how they can invest in themselves

have 10 years plan or longer, strategies when the world goes upside-down

economics go down, some have their business boom

entrepreneurs go to work

forget about retirement, no one retire, if they can't work, most probably their families are taking care of their healthcare

keep a job if you have a good job, have multiple of income, build every way of cash and income, make money during this downturn.. after 2023 you can look back and see..
take your wealth, give your children enough to start their own business, fund an organisation

no regrets on deathbed

Motivation Input

James Altucher Series
Choose & Market Yourself & keep on surviving

I first knew him through his writing. His ideas added value to my life.